Truck accidents have devastating consequences. But, how exactly do they happen? Our infographic below illustrates some of the major causes.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents
#1. Brake Problems
Trucks need ample room to come to a complete stop. According to the FMCSA, brake problems contribute to most truck accidents.
#2. Driver Traveling Too Fast
Truck drivers must drive cautiously in certain conditions, including rain or snow. When truck drivers travel too fast for conditions, serious accidents may result.
#3. Driver Unfamiliar With Roadway
Truck drivers travel on new routes all the time. When a truck driver is unfamiliar with the roadway and is traveling too fast, they may be caught by surprise and unable to maneuver quickly enough to avoid an accident.
#4. Hazardous Road Conditions
Hazardous conditions, including bad weather, slippery roads, potholes, and debris on the road contribute to a large number of truck accidents.
#5. Driver Over-The-Counter Drug Use
Many truck drivers use medication to keep themselves awake while traveling. Too much use of certain medications can cause drowsiness, heart problems, or other health issues that can incapacitate a driver.
If you have been injured in a truck accident, our team has the experience and resources needed to get the job done right. Call Wisner Baum at (855) 948-5098 to schedule a free consultation.