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Mississippi Bus Crash

On August 31, 2024, a devastating bus crash on Interstate 20 near Vicksburg, Mississippi, killed seven people and left dozens of others injured. The bus, operated by Autobuses Regiomontanos, was traveling from Atlanta to Dallas with 41 passengers and two drivers when the left front tire failed, causing the vehicle to veer off the road and overturn.

The fatal crash was reported at 12:40 a.m. local time. Officials from the Mississippi Highway Patrol identified the deceased as:

  • Miguel Arriaga, 61
  • Victor A. Garcia, 32
  • Moises A. Garcia, 31
  • Kain Gutierrez, 8
  • Perla Gutierrez, 16
  • Elia Guzman, 63
  • Angelica Palomino, 16

All of the deceased were Mexican citizens. Among the victims were siblings Kain and Perla Gutierrez, according to local officials. Emergency responders transported dozens of other injured passengers to hospitals in Vicksburg and Jackson.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is leading the investigation into the cause of the Mississippi bus crash. Officials will focus on various factors, including vehicle maintenance, road conditions, the bus driver’s experience, and the carrier's safety record. A preliminary report on the crash is expected next month. The final report on the crash could take a year or more to complete.


If negligence or a defective product caused or contributed to the bus crash outside Vicksburg, Mississippi, victims and their families may be able to pursue personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits. Mexican citizens have the right to sue for negligence-induced injuries that occurred in the United States or if the incident involved a U.S. company defendant.

While cross-border litigation may involve some additional complexities, Mexican citizens' fundamental right to seek legal recourse in U.S. courts for personal injuries is well-established.

“The families of the victims and the injured passengers may have grounds for legal action against the bus company, the tire manufacturer, or even the maintenance providers, pending the outcome of the NTSB investigation,” says bus crash lawyer Clay Robbins III.

“If investigators determine that proper maintenance procedures were not followed, or if the company had systemic safety lapses, either could lead to potential legal claims.”

But the legal implications extend beyond negligence claims, Robbins says. “If the tire failure is found to be due to a manufacturing defect or defective design, we may be looking at product liability.”

The fatal bus crash in Mississippi is a stark reminder of the importance of rigorous safety standards and maintenance procedures for commercial bus transportation. As families mourn the loss of life and support those who sustained injuries, lawsuits may play a crucial role in seeking accountability and potentially driving safety improvements.


If you or a member of your family were harmed in a bus crash, you don't have to face the aftermath alone. The experienced bus crash lawyers at Wisner Baum are here to help.

Our law firm has fought for justice and compensation on behalf of bus crash victims and their families since 1985. With more than $4 billion in verdicts and settlements for clients, including those harmed in commercial bus crashes, we have the resources and experience to take on any corporate defendant and win.

Contact Wisner Baum today or call 855-626-8067 for a free case evaluation. Put our proven track record to work for you.
