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Documentaries Showcasing the Work of Wisner Baum

The Glyphosate Debacle documentary image

Das Glyphosat-Debakel - The Glyphosate Debacle

By Blue Moon Media GmbH, Emilie Häberle, Documentary Filmmaker

Trial attorney R. Brent Wisner is featured in the German documentary, Das Glyphosat-Debakel. The deal of the century: In 2016, the Bayer Group bought the US seed manufacturer Monsanto and with it the weed killer glyphosate. Bayer paid 60 billion. An expensive wrong decision? Brent Wisner helped obtain two of the biggest Roundup cancer verdicts against Monsanto-Bayer, leading to a massive loss in Bayer’s stock.

Into the Weeds documentary image

Into the Weeds – Dewayne “Lee” Johnson vs Monsanto Company

By Mercury Films, Jennifer Baichwal, Director

Three of our lawyers, R. Brent Wisner, Michael L. Baum and Pedram Esfandiary, served on the first trials against Monsanto, proving Roundup weedkiller causes non Hodgkin lymphoma. The lawyers are featured in the documentary, Into the Weeds, about the powerful story of a former Bay Area groundskeeper, Dewayne “Lee” Johnson, who took on Monsanto after a terminal cancer diagnosis. Wisner served as co-lead trial counsel in Mr. Johnson’s trial, delivering the opening and closing arguments, presented most of the scientific evidence and cross-examined many of Monsanto’s experts. The jury found that exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer caused Mr. Johnson to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, awarding him $289 million, later reduced to $20.5 million.

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Children of the Vine

By Lilla Films, Brian Lilla, Director

Trial lawyer R. Brent Wisner is featured in the documentary film Children Of The Vine. “A global nightmare is unfolding as farmers and scientists stand at a crossroads questioning the impacts of pesticides and herbicides on human health. At the center of this controversy is glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, the most widely used herbicide in the world. Glyphosate was recently identified as a possible cancer causing agent and is now found in breast milk, baby food, wine and 80% of food grown in the United States. Children Of The Vine peels back the curtain on the flawed regulatory practices that are causing more harm than good to public health while also revealing the scary science behind toxic farming practices. In the end, this solution driven documentary will highlight more sustainable large scale farming practices capable of feeding the world.”

A New Resistance documentary image

A New Resistance – Over 40 Years of Fraud

By Regen Films, Ed Brown, Director

Trial lawyers, R. Brent Wisner and Michael L. Baum are featured in the documentary, A New Resistance. The film focuses on glyphosate, the key “active” ingredient in the most commonly used herbicide in the entire world, Roundup. “Due to the prevalence of Roundup and the genetically engineered seeds developed by Monsanto, use of this chemical exploded during the late 1990’s until today, with no end in sight. For over 40 years glyphosate has been declared by the industry that manufactures it to be as safe as ‘table salt’ and it has altered the entire landscape of our world forever. However, after all of these years of increasing use, this weedkiller has recently been the focus of one of the largest legal settlements in the history of the world at over $ 10 billion, proving that it does indeed cause cancer. 

Medicating Normal documentary image

Medicating Normal, Good for profits. Bad for patients.

By Periscope Films, Good Docs, Wendy Ractliffe, Lynn Cunningham, Directors

The directors thanked our firm at the end of this film for the information we provided on the subject of pharmaceutical fraud. Medicating Normal is the untold story of what can happen when profit-driven medicine intersects with human beings in distress. Medicating Normal is a documentary that explores the widespread use of psychiatric medications and the consequences for individuals who take them as part of treatment for mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. The film follows the stories of five people who experience significant negative side effects, including dependency, withdrawal, and other challenges, as they seek to understand the impact of these medications on their lives. It raises critical questions about the safety and efficacy of psychiatric drugs and the practices of prescribing them, urging a reevaluation of how mental health issues are treated in society.

The Monsanto Papers documentary image

The Monsanto Papers

By Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Four Corners

THE SECRET TACTICS OF A CHEMICAL GIANT - This special report exposes the tactics used by global chemical giant Monsanto to protect its billion-dollar business and its star product, the weed killer Roundup, after a landmark case in the U.S. found it played a role in causing a groundskeeper’s cancer. Featuring interviews with key figures and experts, including trial lawyer R. Brent Wisner and two of his clients, Teri McCall and John Barton, this shocking documentary reveals a scientific community polarised while the company continues to defend itself.

First man to successfully sue Roundup for causing cancer 60 minutes documentary image

First man to successfully sue Roundup for causing cancer 

60 Minutes Australia

R. Brent Wisner was the lead attorney in Lee Johnson's case which went to trial in California in 2018. A landmark verdict found that Roundup had caused Lee's cancer - and Brent Wisner said there would be thousands more people coming forward to take on manufacturer Monsanto. He was right. He went on to try another case against Monsanto on behalf of a California couple, the Pilliods, who both suffered from non Hodgkin lymphom after years of Roundup use on their property. That trial resulted in a $2 billion verdict in 2019, later reduced to $87 million. A few years after this film was made, Bayer (Monsanto) settled more than 100,000 cases for more than $10 billion.

Envoy Special: Glyphosate, How to Cope

France 2 TV 

Trial lawyer R. Brent Wisner is featured in this film by the France 2 editorial team, “Special Envoy.” The film focuses on glyphosate, and if there is a way out of using this toxic chemical all over the world to kill weeds. The film interviews farmers, scientists and experts to help viewers understand why glyphosate, the main ingredient of Roundup, is dangerous for your health. Glyphosate is everywhere, including in our bodies. The filmmakers asked citizens to provide a urine sample, which was analyzed by an independent laboratory. They also talk about The "Monsanto Papers" which our law firm released after getting smoking gun internal Monsanto documents out from under seal. The Monsanto Papers revealed how Monsanto had its own scientists secretly write studies to prove that glyphosate was not dangerous.

Legal Death documentary image

Legal Death: In Drugs We Trust

Directed by Tim Alexander

Trial lawyer R. Brent Wisner is featured in this film. “A deeply insightful, emotional, and at times shocking look at how millions of lives are being destroyed by common Pharmaceutical Drugs from multiple drug classes. This educational series is comprised of a 90 min. feature film, and 12 one-hour episodes in a follow-up series, for a total of 13.5-hours that explore every aspect of why so many people are dying, killing, experiencing unimaginable pain and having their lives, families, and relationships ruined after they begin taking prescription medications. Many seemingly ordinary Drugs like Opioids, Antidepressants, Psychotropics, Benzos, Antibiotics, and Statins - taken as prescribed by a primary care doctor or psychiatrist, are the beginning of a bad ending for so many unsuspecting people. Over 355,000 people a year are dying in the US alone from these prescribed drugs, and people are now experiencing personal pain and loss on an unprecedented level in world history from medication that was given to help them. This is truly a must see series and might be the most important documentary ever made to help save lives by showing people they can't trust everything a doctor gives them. Sometimes we really do trust too much.” —Tim Alexander 

Secret Ingredients documentary image

Secret Ingredients

By Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart

Lawyer Michael L. Baum is featured in this film. “While the debate continues about GMOs, Roundup and other toxic pesticides, this powerful film shares remarkable stories of people who regain their health after discovering the secret ingredients in their food and making a bold commitment to avoid them. At the heart of the story is Kathleen DiChiara who always worked out and ate right - or so she thought. When her health and the health of her family fell apart, she was determined to figure out why. When she discovered the secret ingredients hidden in their food and removed them, the results were dramatic. The film shares many other powerful stories of people who regained their health after changing to an all organic diet, free of GMOs, Roundup and other toxic pesticides. Skin rashes cleared up; tumors disappeared; digestive issues settled down; infertile couples now have happy babies; cancer patients are now cancer free; and autistic children are now off the spectrum…”

A Bon Entendeur documentary image

A Bon Entendeur - “The Monsanto Papers”

Back to You Productions Swiss TV RTS - RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, succursale de la Société suisse de radiodiffusion et télévision / By Aviva Fried

This film features our attorney Pedram Esfandiary, worked on the first legal trials against Monsanto. “On March 16, US federal justice released more than 250 internal correspondence pages from Monsanto. These documents testify on the one hand of the will of the multinational to hide the dangerousness of the glyphosate by minimizing it in studies written by itself then widely diffused. On the other hand, we learn that glyphosate has also benefited from high protection. Access to these documents will help the hundreds of complainants, agricultural workers or farmers who are victims of cancers that they believe to be due to prolonged use of glyphosate, to be heard.”

Overpill documentary image

Overpill – The Darker Side of America’s Mental Health

Top Documentary Films - Directed by Aleksey Shabarov and Petr Timofeev

“Big Pharma has a pill for whatever ails you. This is particularly true in regard to mental illness. Awareness of conditions like anxiety and bipolar disorder has grown by leaps and bounds in recent times, and the pharmaceutical industry has seized its opportunity to capitalize on this trend. But has the medical industry been lured and duped into over-prescribing their patient population? Overpill examines this pressing concern that affects the lives of millions. 
The film introduces us to several ordinary people who are struggling with issues related to mental health, addiction and grave uncertainties for their future.” Lawyer Michael Baum, is featured in this film.

Letters from Generation Rx documentary image

Letters from Generation Rx

Kevin P. Miller, Director 

Letters from Generation Rx is a documentary by Kevin P. Miller that serves as a follow-up to his earlier work, Generation Rx. The film delves into the personal stories of individuals who have been negatively affected by psychiatric medications, particularly antidepressants and ADHD medications. Through letters, interviews, and testimonials from patients, families, and experts, the documentary reveals the deep emotional and psychological impact that these medications have had on people's lives.

The film addresses themes such as over-prescription, the pharmaceutical industry's influence on mental health treatment, and the lack of informed consent given to patients about the risks and side effects of these drugs. It also highlights stories of those who have experienced severe side effects, including emotional instability, increased suicidal thoughts, and long-term health complications. Kevin thanks our firm at the end of the film.

Death by Perscription documentary image

Death by Prescription

By Java Films, France 5 TV, Olivier Pighetti, Director

The documentary, Death by Prescription, investigates the dangers of prescription pills. Anti-depressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills are some of the most prescribed medicines in the world with a record number of us on the ’happy pills’. Many of these drugs come with a range of serious side effects, from dizziness and nausea to increased agitation. But it is their association with violence and suicide that has been most controversial. The film features Mark, a 48 year old father of two, who killed himself less than a week after taking antidepressants. A prescribed cocktail of pills caused Aurélie to have uncontrollable fantasies about decapitating her parents and killing everyone. Our lawyer, Michael Baum is also featured in this film due to his extensive work litigating against pharmaceutical companies for manufacturing dangerous drugs.

Who Cares in Sweden documentary image

Who Cares in Sweden? The Dangers of Antidepressants

By Java Films, Jan Akerblom, Director

The makers of the film “Who Cares in Sweden,” interviewed prominent lawyer Michael Baum about the rampant use of SSRI (selective serotonin repute inhibitors) antidepressants in Sweden and the rest of the western world. The Swedish documentary shows that antidepressants are not only making people “care less,” they are exposing those who take them, to a long list of dangerous side effects. “No one speaks today of the effect which is in fact a reduction in conscience and empathy. A soldier with nightmares and guilt feelings takes the same medication as does a Swedish judge… Doctors and relatives to patients testify how SSRIs can not only lead to new feelings of suspicion and jealousy, but also to murder, suicide, and birth defects. Mothers who are fooled into believing that they are mentally ill, are told that they are a danger to their child and that SSRIs are the solution…What do the Swedes do about this?”

Air Crash Investigation documentary image

SMALL Plane With BIG Issues... | Air Midwest 5481 | Fight For Control | May Day: Air Disaster

By Next Film, National Geographic Channel - Season 5, Episode 4: Dead Weight

Interviews with one of our aviation attorneys and two of our clients, who lost their daughter in Air Midwest Flight 5481, are featured in this docudrama, which exposes the tragedy of errors and negligence that led to the fatal crash, killing all on board. Our firm litigated this crash on behalf of our clients. Air Midwest Flight 5481 crashed on January 8, 2003, shortly after takeoff from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, killing all 21 people on board. The crash was caused by a combination of improper weight distribution and maintenance errors. The plane was overloaded, and its center of gravity was too far aft, which, combined with incorrect rigging of the elevator control cables during maintenance, led to the pilots being unable to control the aircraft’s pitch. The investigation by the NTSB highlighted both operational and mechanical failures, prompting changes in weight and balance procedures as well as aircraft maintenance oversight. Our firm obtained an unprecedented public apology from the airline and maintenance company as part of the settlement.

Generation Rx documentary image

Generation RX

Directed by Kevin P. Miller

“An eye-opening documentary dealing with the costs of prescribing psychiatric drugs with serious side effects to children…By employing the expertise of internationally respected professionals from the fields of medicine, ethics, journalism, and academia, GENERATION RX investigates collusion between drug companies and their regulatory watchdogs at the FDA and focuses on the powerful stories of real families who followed the advice of their doctors - and faced devastating consequences for doing so.” One of our lawyers was interviewed for this film.

Listen to Hear

By Tom Rowles, Producer 

Listen to Hear is a documentary by NOTMTV that explores the growing concern over government regulations on the volume levels of portable sound and video devices. The film addresses the potential for limits on decibel (dB) levels, similar to those already enforced in France, and argues against such restrictions being applied in the U.S. The documentary emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between protecting manufacturers' rights and warning consumers—particularly younger users—about the risks of high volume levels on hearing. It advocates for consumer education and responsibility rather than government-imposed volume caps, which the filmmakers believe could limit personal freedom and innovation in the tech industry. One of our senior partners was interviewed for this film.

Wie Bayer AIDS nach Asien importierte (Deadly Sale: How Bayer imported AIDS into Asia)

By Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln (West German Broadcasting Cologne)

A 2008 German documentary called Tödlicher Ausverkauf: Wie BAYER AIDS nach Asien importierte (Deadly Sale: How Bayer imported AIDS into Asia) researched the Koate product for hemophiliacs sold by Bayer's Cutter division under full knowledge of its HIV contamination. The film features trial lawyer Michael Baum who exposed what caused anti-hemophilia medication (AHF) to be tainted. His law firm sued Bayer Corporation (formerly known as “Cutter”) and Baxter Healthcare which manufactured injected medications designed to stop hemophiliacs’ uncontrolled bleeding episodes. The medication turned out to be deadly since the plasma used to make the AHF powder, was sourced from unhealthy plasma donors in prisons and on skid row. The New York Times also investigated this blood scandal.

Selling Sickness documentary image

Selling Sickness

Directed by Catherine Scott with Ray Moynihan

“Selling Sickness explores the unhealthy relationships between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry as they promote their new miracle cures ... selling not just drugs but also the latest diseases that go with them. It looks at the growing global controversy around SSRI antidepressants and follows British Psychiatrist, Dr David Healy, patients and their families as they rock the scientific establishment with accusations that aggressive drug marketing is blurring the boundaries between medical conditions and ordinary life with potentially deadly consequences.” One of our lawyers was interviewed for this film.

Our Case Results

  • $10 Million Settlement A Major Foreign Plane Crash

    Wisner Baum obtained a $10 million settlement for the death of a passenger in a major foreign plane crash.

  • $14 Million Settlement A Major US Plane Crash

    Wisner Baum obtained a $14 million settlement for the death of a passenger in a major US plane crash.

  • $17.5 Million Settlement A Major US Plane Crash

    Wisner Baum obtained a $17.5 million settlement on behalf of a client who was killed in a major U.S. plane crash.

  • $10 Million Settlement Celexa-Lexapro Pediatric Class Action

    $10 million pediatric class action re false promotion of Celexa and Lexapro. Babies born to women who have used Lexapro and other similar medications such as Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac, Paxil, and Symbyax are at an increased risk for birth defects.

  • $8.5 Million Verdict Commercial Truck Accident

    Wisner Baum secured a $8.5 million wrongful death verdict against the food industry company, Tyson Foods, for the wrongful death of a young man.

  • $28 Million Settlement Defective Drug Class Action

    $28 million Paxil defective drug class action. A class action has been brought in the US territory of Puerto Rico against UK-based drug major GlaxoSmithKline.

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    Wisner Baum are not only amazing attorneys but more importantly, they are activists. They are about changing the systems which got us into trouble in the first place. They understand their role in the process of making change.

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    The Wisner Baum firm has some of the top legal minds in the country; they are driven, determined, trustworthy, ethical and passionate.

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